Sunday, January 25, 2015

To Be... Or Not To Be...

I am 95 percent vegetarian. I do love the occasional seafood dinner though. But meats... yucko. I don't know if this started because I'm an animal lover or because I just didn't like the taste of meat anymore. 

But lately I have been thinking A LOT about going vegan. I don't think it would be that drastic of a change for me. I do think it will take a lot of work to educate myself on what foods are vegan {reading entire food labels to make sure there isn't a sneaky little animal byproduct in there.} I thought the hardest things for me to give up would be yogurt, cheese and honey.

Well, let's start with the honey. I used to put honey on everything. Raw, organic honey. But... I read that honey is actually bee vomit. If that is true, I'm ready to vomit. So I switched to agave nectar instead and I love it. Then there is yogurt... I found a yogurt that I really like that is dairy-free {made of almonds.} The last thing is cheese. I adore cheese. So yesterday I bought the vegan brand called Daiya but I haven't tried it yet. If it's gross, I might be in trouble. I guess I'll have to give my taste buds time to try something new. I'm hoping my little taste buds will adjust nicely. So far so good.

Today I ordered all new makeup from 100 % Pure. Every single item that goes on my face from mascara to lip gloss is from this wonderful company. It cost a bit, but I believe it's worth it. It's investing in yourself. That's never a bad thing, right?  

Here is a direct quote of what 100 %  Pure says about their makeup:

"The absolute most healthy, the most pure line of nourishing personal care made with the highest quality ingredients. Free of any harmful toxins that are common in other cosmetics - because our skin absorbs.

Just as birth control patches and nicotine patches deliver the medication topically, whatever we apply on our skin gets absorbed which is why all 100% Pure formulas are free of harmful toxins that are commonly in other cosmetics. 100% Pure’s mission is to create the healthiest cosmetics made with the highest quality ingredients.

100% Pure creates healthy products for our body and also for the environment. Our corporate offices are run by 100% solar energy, our company is 100% electric and our pure, biodegradable formulas are packaged with post consumer recycled plastic, glass, soda cans, paper and printed with biodegradable non toxic vegetable ink. 100% Pure loves animals - we are completely cruelty free and charitable towards animal welfare."

I'm sure it's not perfect with the ingredients it uses. But it sounds like a landslide of better ingredients than most cosmetic companies use. I'm just trying my best and that's all I can do. Educate myself and try to put my money into companies who believe in health and wellness for the consumer.

I guess it's a lifestyle.


Eat healthy

Use the healthiest products you can find {including cleaning products for your home}

Get your sleep.

Those seem to be the tricks of the trade from what I've read about health and wellness. We can all use a hand from each other with learning and sharing this information. My brother said I'm going to lose all my teeth by going vegan! Ha. He's so 2014.

Here is a picture of dinner for tonight... It may not look pretty but it tastes yummy.

Be well.



Thursday, January 22, 2015

You Say Hippy... I Say Boho Chic...

Does it make me a hippy that I want to make my own laundry detergent?

I'm not saying that I want to live on a compound and not shave anymore... I'm just saying that I like the idea of knowing exactly what is going into my detergent without it being toxic chemicals.

So I've been doing a bit of research on how to do it. It seems a little annoying at first, but after the batch is actually made, it seems like you can use it for a good long while.

I usually just buy all Seventh Generation products. But for some reason I'm on a kick of making my own. You know me when I get on a kick... This kick may pass and then it's on to the next item of business.

But for now my kick is DIY natural, organic laundry detergent.

If I actually do it I'll keep you posted. It saves money too which is never a bad thing in my book.

My husband laughed when I told him I wanted to make my own. He doesn't understand why I wouldn't just keep buying the all natural stuff. I don't really get it either. I just know I have a bee in my bonnet about it so I might as well give it a whirl.

See, isn't it pretty?


pic via pinterest

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Perfect Day...

Squeeze a nap in there and I would be one happy girl.

Waking up isn't all that easy for me. I'm not exactly an early morning person. But I do have my alarm clock that wakes me with chirping birds, so I can't complain too much.

Green tea... I love my tea, especially in my new aqua tea kettle. So soothing.

Workout: I have been going to boot camp consistently twice a week and it's helping me to feel amazing. I need to keep it up {and I actually want to keep it up! I look forward to going every week.}

A warm shower to get me going in the morning is a must. Wash away the sweat of my workout! With organic peppermint soap for a little pep.

For breakfast I usually have my protein shake. It fills me up to the brim. And tastes yummy too.

Read: Give me a good book and I'm glued. Right now I'm reading Wild. I'm liking it...

I hate cleaning, but when I do clean it makes me feel calm on the inside and organized on the outside. Definitely good for my anxious mind.

Lunch is my favorite meal of the day. I go big and strong for lunch. I can eat like a man when it comes to my lunch so don't get too close to my plate or I may bite you...

Dance: I will admit to dancing in the car while I'm driving on a pretty regular basis. No shame in that!  

Laugh: If I'm not laughing, there is a problem. I laugh a lot... Usually inspired by my best friend. Tears roll down our cheeks pretty much every day. Gotta love a friendship like that.

Dinner: Meh... I'm not much of a dinner person. But if I am starving, pasta it is. {Not the healthiest choice, but sometimes a girl just needs a giant bowl of pasta, and that's that!}

I cannot go to bed without taking a hot shower. No matter what time of the night it is, I have to hop in the shower to rinse the day away. Organic lavender soap at night. It calms and warms me so I'm ready for bed! It is a must in my book.

Sleep: Ah, the best time of the day. I love my sleep, even though I wake up about 75,000 a night. I still love my sleep.

And that my friends is the perfect day of self care!  Some days need to be all about you. Don't feel guilty. Feel healthy. Feel energized. Feel like the best version of you. Your family will love you more for it because you will be happier and that happiness will trickle down to them!


pic via: pinterest

Monday, January 19, 2015

Best. Salad. Ever.

Who knew there could and/or should be a recipe for a salad?! It's usually just throw in a little this and a little that and call it a day.  Or call it a salad.

Well my friends, I have discovered the most delicious salad on earth {in my opinion anyway} that I want to share with you. It is from the "Oh She Glows" website. Check out her book and facebook page too!

I changed a few small things to make it more my taste, but nothing major... Get out your pen and paper for this one. Seriously.

For the salad:
organic baby lettuce {she recommended kale}
1 organic pear, thinly sliced and chopped {she did not recommend organic, but I buy organic whenever I can find it.}
1/2 cup pomegranate arils {go to youtube to see how to open one up so easily it's silly.}
1/4 cup pepita seeds {these are the little green pumpkin seeds.}
3-4 tbsp large flake coconut
{she suggests 1-2 tbsp hemp hearts and 1-2 teaspoons of black sesame seeds, but I did not use either one.}
Sprinkle of cinnamon

For the dressing:
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp pure maple syrup
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 clove garlic, minced
sea salt and pepper

Whisk together dressing ingredients.
Toss in the lettuce until it is coated.
Add the toppings.
Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Voila. Best. Salad. Ever.

Here is a pic of it after I made it. And yes, I ate the entire giant bowl of it all by myself! Yum.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Adoring Dreamy Whites...

Good morning!

Do you have a favorite blog? My favorite blog is called Dreamy Whites. Her style is so farmhouse chic. I adore everything about it. Her home is decked out in multiple shades of white. Now, I love white as much as the next girl, but how on earth do you keep all that white furniture clean when you have a bunch of paws jumping around?

Well, I follow her on instagram, so I decided to ask her just that. She posted a picture of her beautiful couch all in white. The photo showed the back of the couch though so it was more focused on the room as a whole. I was more focused on how to keep that couch clean...

She answered me within about an hour which is so sweet. I thought her answer was going to be one of two things...  Either:

A: Slipcovers.

{Slipcovers are great since you can wash them, but I would be washing them every other day; not practical.}


B: We don't let our dogs on the sofas.

{Again, not a practical answer for our house because the dogs jump on the sofa, like or not.}

But her answer was C: I put a vintage French sheet on the sofa so that I can wash it easier than washing slipcovers.

I actually loved that answer because it is SO practical that I can't believe I didn't think of it. People always just say wash your slipcovers. But that's a pain when you would be washing them constantly. So her suggestion is definitely a keeper.

Here is a picture of her style directly from her blog:

Have fun looking through her beautiful home and shop. I know I do...


Friday, January 16, 2015


During this time of the year, I like to hibernate in a little cocoon called my bed {picture me all wrapped up like a hotdog in my puffy down comforter with my head peeking out of the top.} It feels warm and cozy. I feel like I could stay snuggled like that for days.

But... reality calls and I must unravel myself from above cocoon and face the world. Lately I have just been dragging. It's probably because of the dark, dank, cold nights.

So last night when I forced myself to go to bootcamp, it was kind of a miracle. I was grumbling the whole drive there and the entire warm up on the treadmill. Grrrr....

But then something happened midway through my workout. I actually started to have MORE energy. By the end of the workout I was actually energized! Yes, energized!!!

Now here's the funny thing... I KNOW this about exercise and about ME! I know I feel my best when I'm exercising. I know studies show exercise improves energy levels, blah, blah, blah... But getting from A to B is nearly impossible sometimes. A is my bed. B is bootcamp. Just in case you tuned me out...

So after I felt so great last night I signed back up for classes. I am determined to get back on the mojo wagon. Oh, did I ever fall off in December. But it's never too late to dive back on. I signed up for a 9 a.m. class tomorrow. Now, if I tell you I canceled tomorrow morning, kick me...

Another little thing I'm learning about is Magnesium Glycinate... It seems like a natural cure for practically anything and everything. Do a little research on it and see all that it helps with... and how most of us are missing it from our diets.

So we all need to do a lot of self care every day, and especially during these cold winter months. I know I can't be the only one feeling like this. And for my Florida peeps... get your fill of Vitamin D by sitting in the sun for 15 minutes. But you should probably wear your sunhat!


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Lesson In Being Vulnerable...

Have you ever felt exposed? Vulnerable? Weak?

I was talking to someone yesterday about being vulnerable and how hard and scary it can be. It opens you up to {gasp} feelings! I know I hate the feeling of being vulnerable.

But the conversation made me push myself yesterday and today to actually be vulnerable. To tell two people what my needs are. Two people who I otherwise like to be strong and have my s*it together around. So this was a gasp kind of moment for me.

But... you know what? It worked out just fine. I knew these two wouldn't pounce on my vulnerability, but I wasn't exactly sure how they would react. I needed them to hear what I was saying. Not to hear me but make me do it their way anyway. But rather to hear me, and then let me do it my way. And they both did. Bless their little hearts.

Yesterday I was riding and I "had the best ride ever on Bob." That is what my trainer said. But inside, I didn't feel that way at all. Inside I was nervous and jumpy. Super edgy. I felt it as I was driving to the barn. So my mind was already made up for me before I even got on him {big mistake there.} So my trainer was seeing one thing and I was feeling another. My confidence was not there yesterday. Not one bit. Usually if I feel that way I will fake it till I make it kind of thing. But when she asked me to do something that I wasn't comfortable doing, I said NO. I never, ever say no. I might take a while to do it, but I never say no. I always try. And then I was feeling so vulnerable and exposed by saying no. Even though she knew I could {probably} do it, she let me do it my way. It felt good. She heard me. She didn't make me feel weak or chicken or afraid or whatever... She just let me feel good about what I had accomplished for the day. Oh, how I needed that.

Then this morning I had to be vulnerable to my workout trainer. That is a really hard one. She is tough and strong and does not like excuses. But if I want to keep working out, she has to hear my needs. I need motivation and inspiration. I used to go to a place where the woman "motivated" you by screaming the whole time at the class. Sorry, but that's not motivation in my book. I need encouragement. I need a "you got this!" So I texted her that I was having a hard time getting my mojo back for working out and might need a little extra help tomorrow night at class. She responded "of course!" No bashing or saying I'm a wimp... None of that. In reality, she never would say that, but it's the stories that we create in our heads that are the most dangerous. Truth.

But if I didn't text her that, I most likely would have skipped class because my motivation is lost. It's probably hiding in the Cayman Islands... Where I live, it's cold and dark and I just want to be cozy in my pj's and in bed at night! The last place I want to be is working out. But... I am going to FORCE myself to go tomorrow night and hopefully it will set me back on course again.

Exposing yourself can feel very intimidating. Keeping your guard up feels much safer. But then people don't know what you really need from them. So in my attempt at pushing myself to be vulnerable, I am proud to say that it felt good and it all worked out. Give it a try... If you're anything like me, it's not all that easy. But so worth it!


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Lucky Me...

I feel so blessed and lucky to have a job that I love. It's a job where I can actually make a difference in the world and in peoples lives. Again, lucky me, right?

Yesterday someone sent me the sweetest text to let me know something really great had happened to her. It made me smile to think that she wanted to share her news with me.

Then today someone brought me back a gift from her trip abroad. It is the sweetest little elephant with a bell that makes the most beautiful sound. She thought of me while on vacation. She knows I love elephants. How lucky am I?

Sometimes my job gets stressful. But most days it fills my insides up with joy.

It makes me want to strive to be better... to do better... to live better.

It makes me want to learn more... experience more... be more.

I know not everyone has a job that they love... or even like. Some people hate their jobs. If this is you, I hope you can find a way out of it and fly into something that fulfills you deeply inside. It actually is possible. I used dislike my old job. There were a few days here and there where I thought it was a good thing. Great benefits. Great people. But the job itself was tons and tons of stress. I stayed for many years. But I got out... And started my own business. Now I work for myself and I have the ability to choose and create my environment.

What do I want it to be? What do I want it to feel like? What aura do I want to put forth?

Tranquility, positivity, light and encouragement. I want it to radiate so brightly with warmth and kindness.

And I think it does.

Yes, lucky me. I am blessed.




pic via pinterest

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Simple Joys Of Life...

Good Morning!

In my quest to pare down...

Create a tranquil environment around me...

And live a life of simplicity...

I decided to write about one of the simplest joys in life...


A chaotic environment breeds chaos.

Being around frenzied people creates anxiety and frenzy.

Who has time for that?

Look for easy and simple things to bring a little tranquility into your life.

Again, tea. How simple...

Lately I have been drinking lots and lots of tea. There are so many kinds to choose from; ones to make you sleepy, energized, calm, the list goes on and on. My favorite brand is Tazo. They make wonderful organic teas.

I love the ritual of making a great cup of tea. Although I do not use a dainty tea cup. I prefer a giant handmade mug to wrap my hands around and soak up the warmth of that tea physically in my entire body. I don't hold it by the handle; I hold the whole mug with both hands. Instant hand warmer on a cold morning.

I hate warming my tea in the microwave. And since I have been drinking so much tea lately I decided to order a sweet little tea kettle to boil my water in the proper way. I wanted this lovely vintage one from Etsy, but it was sold already! Rats.

So I just ordered this darling little one instead. For sure not the charm of the vintage one, but still sweet, and I adore the color. I just wanted something simple. Nothing fancy or tricked out.

Then a handmade tea cozy to top it off. How pretty, right?


What a beautiful handmade ceramic mug from Hodaka Pottery. Love it.

And then it's time to enjoy your giant soothing mug of tea. I hold it just like that. Perfect!

Enjoy your day and grab a mug!


pics via: pinterest, hodaka pottery from etsy.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


It's snowing! And FREEZING!! And I don't even have a cute hat to wear. Wah.

But... I only have to go out for one more appointment and then I'm finished for the day. I really hate driving in the snow. But I do love when it snows! So beautiful and serene. Pure peace.

Usually we hunker down by the wood burning stove. It heats the whole downstairs of our home. I put cloves and cinnamon sticks in a cast iron pot that makes the whole house smell delicious!

I hope you stay safe and warm in your home if you live where it's snowing.

And hunker down by the fire.


pic via: pinterest

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a safe and Happy New Year!

I don't make resolutions on New Year's. I make them on my birthday instead. It just seems more fitting for another year ahead to make them on my birthday.

But 2015 is all about my 5 year plan. {See my post from a few days ago where my new friend Joel and I had a serious heart to heart...}

I am a huge believer in vision boards. Do you know what those are? Basically you put everything that you're working towards on this board {mine is a foam board so it stands up nicely} and then you look at it every day. I did one several years ago, and can I tell you that almost every single thing came true!

So it's time for a new vision board and I am starting it in 2015!

My five year plan is to fix up my house to sell it. I love my house but it's not my dream house. The funny thing is that most people want some huge mansion as their dream house. Not us. Our house is 2,000 square feet and guess what? I want to downsize. Yep, that's right. I want a smaller house but more land. Not just any house. I want an actual farmhouse. On at least 5 acres. I want 2 horses and 2 goats. But the kicker is that I want my office to be on the second floor of my barn with a huge arched picture window overlooking the horses grazing in the pastures. Imagine the cozy, tranquil, zen environment that would provide for my clients. And me.

 You have to say it aloud and put it out to the universe. It's not about I want this or that. It's about your goals, your wishes and what makes you live a life that was designed by you, for you! It's about creating a life that you love. I already love my life. This would just be the cherry on the sundae.

Here is what I'm dreaming of:

This is the type of little farmhouse that I want. Maybe 1,700 square feet. Darling, right?

Then these beauties will be in the pastures... Heaven on earth.

Gorgeous with the snow in Connecticut...

Two of these little cuties and voila! Perfect amount of farm animals. I thought I wanted a few chickens to be free roaming, but honestly I don't like eggs all that much. So no chickens. Just two horses {definitely Morgans. I'm a Morgan horse snob; what can I say...} and two little goats.

And a pretty garden area where I can grow organic veggies and herbs. With a perfect spot to read, relax and let go of all the worries of the day.

And here will be my crowning glory. A two story barn for the horses and goats with a large loft office on top with a huge window. I want mine to be arched at the top though. My dream is specific...

A stone barn would be just as nice. With a balcony! I die! Truth be told I want the barn to be bigger than the house!!

Wouldn't this just make the perfect office? That top window would need to change for the bigger though.

But no farm would be complete without a German Shepherd or two to guard the place! My very favorite breed. So loyal, smart and beautiful.

I might even have a separate studio for doing yoga and refinishing furniture in that barn! Swoon!!!

So, in a nutshell... that is my five year plan. Hope you come along for the ride with me!

Happy 2015 and may blessings surround you.


pics via: pinterest