Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Quote For Your Day...

Hi friends.

My mom said this little gem to me the other day and I wanted to share it with you.

"What if you woke up today and only had what you were grateful for yesterday?"

Pretty profound sentence, huh.

Let it swirl around in your thoughts today.

I am grateful for so many things in my life.

Including little miss sassy kitty...


Monday, October 27, 2014

Flea Market Foraging...

Good morning and Happy Monday!

It was a lovely weekend in CT.

Yesterday was a little chilly, but still nice enough to go to a fantastic flea market called the Elephant's Trunk. It was about an hour from my house, but a lot of fun.

I went with my mom and brother. It is late in the season for really good flea markets. But it was still a fun day spent together. I bought one thing... another blue seltzer bottle. I can't help myself. I adore them. Did I need it? No. But it's the blue ones that I covet. Usually they are clear. So now I have two.

 I put it near my collection of light blue apothecary bottles and dried lavender.

The other thing I did was refinish a table and chairs. I wanted to have it for sale by today, but it didn't exactly work out that way. It was so much more work than I thought it would be. It took me all day on Saturday just to do the chairs. I painted the table last night. I have to distress and wax the entire thing still. So it's not quite for sale yet, but it is almost finished. That is definitely progress considering I haven't refinished a piece in for-ev-er.

I have a sweet vintage farm table waiting in the hopper and a paw foot pedestal table and chairs as well. Those are next on the agenda. Then I have a great trestle table and a few smaller pieces to refinish. I don't want to buy more pieces until I finish the ones that are filling my studio. But I have made the leap back into the biz and I couldn't be happier!


Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Itch Is Back...

So... I have not refinished any furniture pieces in quite some time. There isn't some grand reason; I just haven't.

But lately it's been on my mind... And this morning I woke up with an itch to get back to it.

Sometimes you just need a little break to miss something that you truly love.

I have lots of pieces still... They are just waiting to be refinished and loved again in someone's home.

My plan is to start a piece on Saturday. Finish it by Sunday. Have it for sale by Monday. Boom.

I'm getting excited just thinking about it. I hope it doesn't rain this weekend or my plans might be put on hold... Paint brushes crossed it's nice weather!

P.S. here is one of my vintage windows that I hung in my dining room. I added a preserved boxwood wreath and made a burlap bow. Love the way it looks!

Happy Thursday!


Monday, October 13, 2014

Sunday Funday...

Good morning my loves.

Happy Monday!

I woke up really early yesterday and got a burning desire to go to yoga. It became a necessity. I haven't been for some time, and I felt deeply in my bones that I had to go.

It was the most amazing class, and I had no idea how much I needed it. It was so nice to be the one to sit and listen. To not talk. To enjoy the inner silence. The stillness. It was beautiful actually.

After that my friend and I went for a 4 mile walk with her crazy dog. We talked and laughed the whole time. It was a beautiful fall day. Warm and sunny. We were both tired and didn't want to go... but we forced ourselves and were so glad we did. Fun for the soul, good for the butt.

Okay so we weren't walking on a trail in dresses with a bucket of apples... But we did walk. And instead of apples we had her dog...

Then I cooked a really healthy dinner from my favorite cookbook called "Oh She Glows." Super easy and yummy recipes.

After doing a few last minute chores to get caught up for the week, it was off to bed early. I got to cuddle with my furry girly girl that loves to snuggle up under the covers on chilly nights.


pics via: pinterest

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Vintage Windows...

Yep, I'm blogging on a Saturday...

It's raining and you know how I love the rain.

So the other day my landlord at work gave me some really cool vintage chippy paint windows. At first I was like, huh? What should I do with these things? But I knew I definitely wanted them for some reason. My husband thinks I'm turning into a hoarder lately. But I have a hard time throwing things into the landfill that I know can be reused, recycled and rehabbed into something cool.

So as I browsed through pinterest looking for some inspiration, I came across these ideas... Love.



pics via: pinterest

Friday, October 10, 2014

Another Year...

Hi y'all.

Yesterday was my birthday. I had some good old fashioned fun!

The day started with a delicious breakfast at a cute little cafe with my momma. Life is sweet.

Then I worked for a little while.

Then I came home and was greeted by a delivery van with beautiful flowers from my hubby. Life is sweet.

Then I went out with my best friend for a fantastic dinner and one too many drinks. But who's counting... Life is sweet.

I received texts and calls from all my loved ones. My friend in California even made a video of her little daughter singing Happy Birthday to me. Melts my heart.

My husband was away for work on my actual birthday so we're going out to dinner tomorrow night, along with his parents. Have I mentioned how much I adore my in-laws? They are truly the best people and I am very blessed and lucky to have them in my life! Not to mention they are super fun to go out with too! My father-in-law is hilarious.

Each year I get a little older, learn a little more and appreciate the beauty of my life.

Yes, life is sweet.


pic via: pinterest

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 16... Unplug...

It's no secret that I hate the rain.

When people say "oh good, we need the rain" I don't disagree. I know we need the rain. I just hate when it rains.

My friends joke that I don't do well in the rain. But it's not really a joke. I wish I was one of those people who could dance in the rain... If it wasn't raining, I would dance in the rain... Wrap your brain around that!

It makes me feel all gloomy inside. Like I don't want to get up and start my day. I don't want to get all wet. It also usually gives me a headache... I guess it's the pressure change in the air. I would much rather have snow. Yes, I actually said that. Truth.

The past few days it has been raining on and off all day. Feels yucky. It's chilly then hot. Hot then chilly. I think this is when my body gets sick too... All those changes in temperature with the rain.

Sometimes when it rains, I get sucked into this little cocoon of my computer. I bury my nose and don't look up for a few hours. No bueno.

I need to unplug more. And that's coming from me who is about as low-tech as you can get.

So I think I can apply this goal to my everyday life too. Limit my computer time to 15 minutes per day unless it's work related. That's it.  It shouldn't be that hard for me to do... Unless it's raining.

pic via: pinterest