Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dreamy Whites... How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways...

I adore decorating. The thing I love the most about it {at least how I decorate anyway} is that there is no right or wrong. If you love it, make it work. I try not to fill my home with stuff. I like to keep it pretty uncluttered, with a few pieces that I really love. {Less dusting to do that way too! Double bonus.} I like to mix lots of vintage with a few newer things. I wouldn't say I like a sparse home, quite the contrary. I like a home filled with things that make me happy, calm me, make me smile, or invoke a memory of some sort. In reality, it doesn't always work like that, but it's really the motto I try to stick with. I love simplicity. That brings me a sense of tranquility. So that being said, I try to make my home as peaceful and tranquil as possible. I have a great candle that I bought recently by the way, it's called Be Peaceful and it's made with lavender and eucalyptus {from Target.}

Here are some other things from Dreamy Whites that inspire me. I think her decorating is so perfect and beautiful. I hope you enjoy!

I love those old bistro chairs with the grain sack table runner. Just beautiful. I love them so much that I recently purchased my own bistro chairs and table like this one, only mine is red. I also found a table runner very similar. Love it.

I adore this petite farm table with blue mason jars resting atop. I want to find vintage clothes pins and fill some mason jars to the brim for decor on my shelf. The simple, beautiful colors on the Christmas tree are perfect as well!

What can I say other than I LOVE Hunter boots. I have many pairs and they are the best boots around!


More glass bottles... but what I love the most is that vintage green cart with old caster wheels. I love that shade of green, as well as the worn, weathered wood. It looks so charming with books on the bottom. A home filled with books is my kind of home indeed!


Lavender... my favorite. These are little pouches filled with lavender. One in your drawer or under your pillow would be divine... Sweet dreams would be sure to follow!


Ahhh... A vintage cabinet to fill with linens. I have always wanted to do this. And again, I adore that shade of green. Once I find the right piece, I am going to do this for my own home.


The chair is to die for, but so is that little French Bulldog; Ella. The extra large mirror resting on the floor is quite stunning as well.


These simple Christmas decorations hanging from a distressed frame make the perfect decor. Simple can be and is beautiful. No need to spend insane amounts of money to deck the halls. Keeping it simple is keeping it beautiful.

The source for this picture is unknown. I adore the heart shaped evergreen wreath and the little pots of evergreen on the table {just delicious!} The old farm table with a simplistic runner is so darling. I also think the door resting against the wall looks very farmhouse chic.

I hope you found some inspiration in these pictures. I know I sure did!

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