Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Arctic Blast Or Spring At Last?

The weather has been so beautiful for the past few days, I'm feeling like it's... dare I say... spring? Today I'm not even wearing a jacket. I even was driving with my car windows open today and opened a few windows in my house to let the fresh air in!

Here are some pictures from pinterest to put a little spring in your step {if it's not already there!}

Heavenly flowers! Ahh, spring.

Peonies are my absolute favorite!

Perfect table for a spring party with your girlfriends!

 I love bunnies! I had a bunny as my first pet as a little girl. Anything bunny makes me happy! Even when they come into my yard and eat my flowers. I don't mind because they are so darn sweet!

I even love vintage bunnies. I have lots as decor throughout my home! Spring, spring, spring!

And I love my birds... and their nests with little eggs. 

I am savoring these warm days and hoping not to get another Arctic blast... But, it is winter in New England after all, so I can't be mad! Like I said, I'm just trying to enjoy each warm day that we have!

Happy Wednesday!

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