Sunday, November 16, 2014

Oh, Deer...

It came! It finally came!

I've been waiting patiently for my newest DIY project.

A FAUX {never real!} deer head {made of resin.}

I was a DIY crazy woman this weekend. Doing projects left and right.

This deer bust has been on my list of things to do since last year. I could have bought one off Etsy for much, much more than I paid to do it myself. So why not do it myself?

And if you don't think I'm crazy for wanting a faux deer head on my wall, and you are interested in hearing about the process, here goes:

I bought the deer head off Amazon. When it arrived, I was so excited to open it to finally see what it looked like. Even Miss Sassy Kitty had to see what all the rumpus was about!

OMG, just as I expected! Sweet little face... Typical deer colors. But change was soon to come!


Now... what color to choose? I thought about white, yellow or grey. Then I finally settled on black. Matte black. 2 cans of spray paint later... He looked cool, funky and whimsical. A piece of his antler broke off, but a little crazy glue solved that in an instant.

Next, I decided I wanted to frame him. I just needed to find the perfect frame. I wanted antique, not new. I went on the hunt and came across this chippy paint green antique frame at a local antiques shop. Only $7.00! Score!!

But something was missing. I bought these colorful felt balls to make a fun garland to string through his antlers. Why? I have no idea. I just thought he needed to look more festive. It was so easy to make. Some of the felt balls already had holes in them. I used a large needle and twine and strung them all together. I knotted and looped each end. Done. {And remember... girls who ride horses can't have nice nails and manicures... they don't last. Just sayin'.}

Voila! Finished product! I adore how he looks. Especially decked out in his frame and garland. What an easy DIY project that adds so much punch! I don't care if people think it's weird. I love it!

I know his attire will change with the seasons. I'll get bored and out will come a scarf in the winter, a flower in the summer, fun felt balls for the fall. Whatever it takes...

DIY and save some serious cash! It's easy and fun.


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