Monday, December 29, 2014

In Stitches...

Well hello strangers!

If you would have said the word "embroidery" to me ever in my life, I would have pictured an old lady in a rocking chair doing something strange with a hoop or a loop or whatever.

Well, that was then! Now, I'm obsessed.

I want to learn how to do it. I have absolutely zero idea how to do it but that doesn't mean I can't learn. I almost bought a book on it today but figured I would youtube it first to make sure it's actually feasible. It really doesn't look all that hard. I'm crafty. I'm artistic. I think I can... I think I can...

So this is going to be my new hobby. Teaching myself how to embroider. I am particularly drawn to the little woodland animals. As I was thumbing through this book today, it gave so many ideas of things to embroider. I had no idea!

So far I'm loving the idea of embroidering linen tea towels with little woodland creatures: foxes, bunnies and owls, oh my! But the possibilities are endless. My husband gets his good work shirts embroidered with his initials on the cuffs. {Trust me, I had the same reaction. Like: well isn't he a Mr. Fancy Pants?! But it looks really nice and truth be told... he has more clothes than me!}

I am even thinking of doing a few as gifts to my sister-in-law who is preggers. It makes an adorable nursery gift... just ask pinterest!

Look at this sweet little doe. So darn cute!

Adorable linen tea towel.

Linen stocking with bunny? I'll take two please!

And a curious little bird...

Love, love, love this flag garland with the sweet little quote!

And last but not least, a girl and her horse! So fun, right?

I love finding new hobbies and artistic interests. It keeps me creative and on my toes.

I'm hoping to get started this week on a project. Did I mention that I'm on vacation this week? Well, I am and I have lots to do... like embroidering! And horseback riding and yoga and reading and napping. Phew, it's gonna be a busy week!

P.S. I rode Bob yesterday and we had a great ride! We are finally getting it together! Yay for the small things in life!!


Pics via: pinterest {I should have done a better job finding each website that these pretty pics came from. Most were from Etsy... But I did find them all on pinterest.}

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