Friday, January 16, 2015


During this time of the year, I like to hibernate in a little cocoon called my bed {picture me all wrapped up like a hotdog in my puffy down comforter with my head peeking out of the top.} It feels warm and cozy. I feel like I could stay snuggled like that for days.

But... reality calls and I must unravel myself from above cocoon and face the world. Lately I have just been dragging. It's probably because of the dark, dank, cold nights.

So last night when I forced myself to go to bootcamp, it was kind of a miracle. I was grumbling the whole drive there and the entire warm up on the treadmill. Grrrr....

But then something happened midway through my workout. I actually started to have MORE energy. By the end of the workout I was actually energized! Yes, energized!!!

Now here's the funny thing... I KNOW this about exercise and about ME! I know I feel my best when I'm exercising. I know studies show exercise improves energy levels, blah, blah, blah... But getting from A to B is nearly impossible sometimes. A is my bed. B is bootcamp. Just in case you tuned me out...

So after I felt so great last night I signed back up for classes. I am determined to get back on the mojo wagon. Oh, did I ever fall off in December. But it's never too late to dive back on. I signed up for a 9 a.m. class tomorrow. Now, if I tell you I canceled tomorrow morning, kick me...

Another little thing I'm learning about is Magnesium Glycinate... It seems like a natural cure for practically anything and everything. Do a little research on it and see all that it helps with... and how most of us are missing it from our diets.

So we all need to do a lot of self care every day, and especially during these cold winter months. I know I can't be the only one feeling like this. And for my Florida peeps... get your fill of Vitamin D by sitting in the sun for 15 minutes. But you should probably wear your sunhat!


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